— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 9 years old and I went with my parents and grandfather to a ski resort, somewhere in Dombay. We collected 35 people from the company and rented an entire base. I remember the evening, my parents went to bed after skating, and I was sitting with the adults, drinking tea. The adults were 20-25 people!) is

Then they all ate and left an entire table of dirty dishes. 25 people, a whole banquet! The adults gathered to go to the bathroom and such say, "and Abraham will wash our dishes."

Abraham was a wise Jewish boy who said:

- Of course I wash, 500 rubles (price of the snickers)!

The adults laughed and said, "well, well, young people give" and someone gave me 500 rubles.

Then I pulled off the tea and said in consolation:

500 rubles for each.

But then they realized that they laughed in vain, somehow all quieted and instead of a fun bath, went to wash their dishes.

Apparently it was disgusting the very idea that for washing dishes a child will now earn as much as 12,5 thousand rubles.

In the morning, my grandfather (the big boss) and parents “complained” that your grandson is growing up as a merchant. And my grandfather laughed a long time, and in the evening he told me I was wrong! With these cravings, it was necessary to take at least 1,000 from each!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna