— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How to cure dangerous diseases

The famous therapist Sergey Botkin turned to a wealthy merchant suffering from diabetes, obesity and hypertension. He offered the doctor a lot of money, but Botkin replied that he would only take treatment on one condition: if the patient, taking only a kitten with bread, without money will go on foot to Odessa, where treatment will begin. The buyer was shocked to hear. But since he had no other choice (all his illnesses were considered incurable), he only had to agree and go on the way. On the way, he asked for help, stopped for a night in the villages, ate what God sent, walked more than 2,000 kilometers and eventually reached his destination in the hope of a doctor's help. Botkin looked at him and asked why he appeared if he was a perfectly healthy person. The buyer was surprised. However, he had no signs of obesity, diabetes, or hypertension.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna