— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: Shortly, when I was in school, I liked a guy who was a couple of classes older. I built my eyes for a long time, I began to roast the horse, seeing him on the horizon, wearing the best at once. She cuddled as she could.

I don’t know what a miracle, but he invited me to a date. I was crazyly happy and decided not to miss the chance given by fate, and for this date in some way I must fall in love with him, even more. Since I was afraid that I would not be able to somehow interest him in communication or charisma, I decided to bet on mystery. The plan was this: we walk along the road, and when I approach the stanooke, I suddenly sit in the first trolleybus, and, without saying a word, leave it. The next day he’ll come to me and ask why I left, and I’ll answer, yes, I wanted to, and then he’ll understand how mysterious I am and fall in love with me. The perfect plan, ah...

But even this idiotic plan did not go according to the script. First, the trolleybus was not there for a long time and my knight could not convince me to leave the stop. Secondly, when the trolleybus still approached and I got into it, mysteriously not to leave, because the driver did not want to close the door, collecting more passengers. We just looked at each other. He shrugged on me, and I, all that mysterious, from the trolleybus on him. Finally the door closed and I walked away. Well, as far away, at the next stop, she went out and drowned in the opposite direction home.

Neither the next day nor ever again he came to me. I have not fully appreciated my efforts (

15 years after graduation, I worked as a building materials sales manager and this guy came to our office. I immediately recognized him and tried to pretend that it wasn’t me, and I was wildly busy that he would go to other managers. But he sat down to me and asked if I remembered him. We had to talk normally. He said it was the most fucking date in his life, and in general he decided that I left because I wanted to catch up and was very surprised to find out that I had such a plan for him to fall in love with me.

I was a fool, cape.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna