— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go on May 9th, I walk, I walk through a crowded place, on the way home, and I see a picture of how three gopniks fuck up to the VETERAN! In his celebration! I don't know what they needed from him, I first thought what a friend might, but when one of the bastards pushed him, the veteran cried. Apparently from the pain, from the fact that he understood what he fought for, for which he risked his life. And the fools did not stop, they called for something out loud from him. And all who passed by, walked around them, and only struck. And then I, the weak guy who was offended all his life, could not stand. If the situation were a little different, I admit, I would have left there faster, but I approached and gave one of the Gandons a mouth. I’m not going to say I beat them all, why should I lie. I was beaten, if not by the veteran, from whom they turned away by beating me. He went to the town and called the police. I am now lying in the hospital with a brainwashing, and I am shaking over this world. But I would do it again because he once did the same for me.

I am so proud that there are people like you! Thank you for not letting the memory of veterans go away, you can't let this go down! The boy, the boy! I acted like a real man. I will do the same myself!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna