— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Chilli-Willi: I’m joking with myself again today)))))
Jake: yes is it? What again?? to
Chilly-Willi: Well again my stupid imagination decided to joke about her))))) went swimming while she was lying in bed well and I think let me stick to it...))0
What did he do now? – No.
Chilli-Willi: lying in the bath, swallowed the floor and head with ketchup and the type I lie down slipped and broke the head)))
I am a pure demon 😉
Chilly-Willi: well yes)))) she went in, you would see her face)))) I started screaming, I couldn't stand and laughed))))
The outcome? 😉
Chilli-Willi: half an hour on the stairs in pants and ketchup on the head ((((
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna