— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once my mother’s story is over, I’ll write more.
It was also at the dawn of my departure.

My friend and I admin the district network and we are called by a firm, they don't have a net, everything is distributed through the Linux server and the right on the desktops are cut off at the very least. During the play, it turns out that their admin is in the hospital.
We call him to find out the admin password, then my friend's conversation with admin:
I need an admin password, I need an admin password.
From the ISS!! to
(Well, the connector should have seen my friend’s face, but he takes himself in his hands and goes on.)
- Sorry, I understand, of course, you are in the hospital, and you are very ill, but here people work, they need access to the internet, the situation is critical, the director personally asks you very much...
In English with Russian letters!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna