— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go out to the balcony. The second floor. Despite the fact that I broke up in the hallway and stand in the same socks, shouting "Wedding will not be!!I get out of the balcony. Here I go and feel like a true MUSTCHINA - barefoot, but you don't have to get married)))
Those who have brought this to the best are just as foolish as this "ridder in socks."
How else to call it if he decided to leave the girl, and yet agreed to come to her home for the last encounter? Type "no, let’s go, but seriously I’ll send you"?
I am silent about how this wisdom humiliated the daughter in the eyes of her parents! The fucking cock. Evil is taken.
Those who think that I’m wrong and a cheerful man should behave like that – press a minus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna