— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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An anecdote instead of an epigram - New Russian at a banquet in the United States: he eats, drinks everything in a row. A American stands next to him.
The Russian:
What is your name?
and Smith.
Eat it Smith.
I do not want.
Eat it hollow.
I eat when I want to eat.
I do not understand...
When I want to eat, I eat. When I don’t want to eat, I don’t eat.
You are just like an animal!

Yesterday, my wife came home with tears in her eyes and laughed. She goes to some expensive fitness center, where people pay a hundred and twenty thousand for a six-month subscription. All services are included, except solarium. To use the automatic solarium you need to buy a token and drop it into the coin receiver, after which the solarium is turned on for a few minutes. There is no staff in the room with a solarium.
I don’t know how, but four girls learned how to turn on a solarium without a token. All four suffered burns.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna