— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The opinion of a man in a magazine...I support!! to

Let them knock their eyelids, shoot their eyes, turn in front of the mirror, fear mice, chew from strong alcoholic beverages, complain that they have nothing to wear, late for dates, cry in the movie (for example, when Forest Gump meets Jenny at a rally in Washington DC or when they kill King Kong).A hundred times a day call moms, cook borsches, squeeze when they see cats and puppies, shower with babies, rejoice in the flowers, firmly believe that Ronald and Ronaldinho are the same footballer, the authorities of the car call "pipe" and "pipe", and the main technical characteristic is who said what color was in the first day and what was hoped on you in detail.
Please always stay feminine. And not because we love you just for that, but because we love you like that.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna