— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Speech from Diaries:

But this is all nonsense compared to the most amazing thing God created for some reason. Scientists call this piece Pipa pipa, in normal language - Pipa Surinam. Pipa - a frog with the following technical characteristics: a four-pointed squared body; color - yellowish, lower abdomen lighter, sometimes with white spots; merging with the body head, sharpened in front; thin front legs with long fingers; thick back legs, also long, between the fingers - membranes; wrinkles skin, from the corners of the mouth and in front of the eyes hangs skin; small eyes all the time looking up; the voice of a male resembles a clock tick; coupling between a male and a female lasts for a day. During the drought, this unfortunate animal lives in almost dry meadows, and in the rainy season (and here you need to concentrate and imagine this inhumane tragedy), so here, in the rainy season, the Pippa Surinam alone walks through the forest.

This unfortunate, unnecessary, terrible, sad and lonely creature travels through the forest in the rainy season and smells badly. It’s just like God created him. You said the girl didn’t...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna