— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Remember the joke about "fuffle, fuffle - there is, fluoride is not"? Now I’m 100% sure that these stories come out of life.

During university time, she lived in a community. Having a pretty good vocabulary, unlike his neighbors in the room, often suffered from this. If I had to write some work or, God, translate something from Russian to Ukrainian, I had to run away from home so as not to fall victim to human laziness.

Once again, when my neighbors needed something to write and translate, and I was evil, like the devil, I silently laid them on the table my Russian-Ukrainian dictionary in the style of "War and Peace in One Volume" and strictly ordered: do not touch me.

In five minutes:
Sosdecka (C): Lovely, and how "Okurok" in Ukrainian?
I: Well, there is a dictionary, yup, how much can I?
A: No, I have watched it!
I, megazlobbo: look again, it can’t be!
C, after five minutes of singing and leaving the pages: Well no, no!!! Here see: "accord", "accurately" is, "accurcum" - is not...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna