— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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from the forum

xxx: Tell me, is it possible to increase the speed of incoming traffic at the expense of the outgoing??? I have an inbound traffic of 7.5 kbps... and an outbound traffic of 250 kbps.

yyy: Water supply speed from the crane: 3 l / min. Slip speed in the sewerage: 30 l / min. Is it possible to increase pressure through sewerage?

zzz: It is possible if the neighbors from the bottom block the sewer, and the neighbors from the top open the crane :)

yyy: This will no longer be an increase in the pressure in the crane, but rather, traffic from an additional provider. The quality of the water will be the same.

zzz: The quality of the water, of course, the sanitary will not be very, but when the sewer is washed - it will be better.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna