— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Reviews of the Hellenic Food Combination:

Hi to!

I would like to leave you my feedback about your products.
I was purchased beef steamed Higher variety, performed according to GOST 5284-84.
Unfortunately, I am forced to disappoint you, your focus on turning the shit into a mortar failed.
Of course, the rabbit's ears looked like the hat of the wizard from the bench - a little meat, but how many ears I did not pull, instead of the rabbit, his cartilage and fat came out.
Amayak Akapyan will not count you such a focus as an exam in the Guild of Wizards.
I strongly recommend that you put your focuses in your ass, or better in your mouth, and try to eat it. And the ass will be grateful and more tormented.
And I also recommend sending a lifetime reference to cattle slaughter as your chief technician, which GOST 5284-84 uses as toilet paper, but not the main document in production.

With the best wishes, consumer.

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