— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We are in Sarasota.
On May 9, when the whole city was guy took on his chest well and wanted him to sleep, he decided to get into the bus, the door was closed so that he went through the window,and when he sat on the driver’s seat accidentally hit the button and started the engine.there was no normal lighting there and there was such a button, well he didn’t think for a long time to turn on the speed and went, the man was not right...and it was all in the central square of our city!in the eyes of everyone, I don’t know how he stumbled on...short he half the route through the city, and he sat passengers and landed...and,attention, this bus rented mints that came to him at the parade!shortly disappeared, all noticed, I think the parishes were

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna