— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What to say... Five years ago I went on a train from Kiev to Simferopol in a train, and I slept peacefully. Suddenly, through my dreams, I feel men’s hands stretching towards me. Oh how! I say to myself. I open my eyes, and in the darkness I see: not to me they draw, but to my bag, which lies next to me. And here I am like a thief, and a thief runs along the wagon, and I follow him in cowards and a jacket, and I beat him with a towel. I went away, but my bag was left.
This video gave me such a memory.
Baron_Myxa: Five years ago I went somehow on a train from Kiev to Simferopol in a train, and peacefully half dreaming I went out of the toilet. And suddenly, through the dream, I feel a girl in a coward and a maika running to me. Oh how! – I say to myself, povezlo!
Finally I wake up and in the darkness I see people start beating me with a towel. I thought she was warming up in the crowd! But the strikes became more painful.
Miracle has gone away, and the honor remains with me!)
Vedmed75: A few years ago I used to take a train from Kyiv to Simferopol. Already sleeping began, suddenly, the grandmother in the opposite - like a spark on the whole car, jumped, and let the passing man - a towel to chew. He left her, poor man. I think: it is necessary, crazy - divorced, I could also hang puzzles. In fear, he drank vodka, fell asleep, and walked through his station.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna