— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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<Morrygan> I hate him.
<Ctacka> what is it again? (= the
<Morigan> I cut the salad and he comes in. With bint, watt, and green.
<Morigan[plures]> I am distracted from salad, O_o
<Morigan[sweet]> O_O
<Morigan> and I am distracted and cut to blood with a knife!!! to
<Morrygan> and he is "guy-guy, I knew!! (= " and stretches me a watt and a green, scuco
<Morrygan> But if he didn’t come, I’t be hit!!! to
<Ctacka> so you’re sad about it so far?
<Morrigan[suffers]> No, I cooked the food here, I got a little hurt. :(

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna