— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History of Waste :)
In general, my friend got into the hospital, well, I came to visit him in a couple of days. When asked how he mastered it here, I heard the following story:))In the neighboring chamber lies a girl, a cat. She fell from the 7th floor and almost nothing happened to her, except a pair of spikes in her back!:) And they wanted to write her out, but then her boyfriend came to her, they locked up in the sanitary..well and logically the guy let her curl there:))nu shorter as a result bowed:)) the girl spikes in the back:))I had to do an operation, removed the curved spikes and inserted titanium spikes:))Now doctors when seeing the girl in the wheelchair, jokingly offer her to the sanitary, well, and then to the operation:))) I lay :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna