— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was an announcement that the participants of the HOV, pregnant women and women with breastfeeding were served out of line. Only the guard helped to complete this announcement! But to her services I stopped to resort after one time, passing without a line, already under the end of the working day inspector (a girl, younger than me 8 years), seeing that the visitors have already broken up, began to scream to me that I "hamka, shake the stomach forward, as I am not ashamed, because she has already worked seven minutes over, her working day has ended, and to refuse me she has no right..." She was constantly texting on the mobile phone, someone was waiting for her, and here I. In fact, I came out in tears to the parks, and there only my car and jeep. I sat in the car and cried so that the guy from the jeep came out, went down to the pavilion for water, brought me, calmed, and here this inspector comes out, goes to him. He said to her, “What kind of snare has you offended a pregnant woman?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna