— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: Listen, how Serege comes to mind such combinations, are we all in shock?
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY Here, as a child, we had a large sandbox in the yard, everyone in it was glued, and there was a boy who was all glued from the run. He was older and nobody told him anything. So Serega once brought a large cage from the house, filled it with sand, put a brick in the middle and made a pebble (a sin not to pin). The boy did not sin and broke his fingers.
XXX is Opa.
YYY: The boy then crumbled in the plaster, and Serega crumbled over him, morally suppressed, you understand? What a pattern, what two patterns. This at 6 years. So the matter for the small remained, grow up and get an economic education

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna