— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A story about women whose women we love as they are, and we never understand them.
During my uncertain youth, I met, or even lived, with a girl named Olya. The relationship did not go well at first, and here our relationship came to break up due to a big quarrel. I have not been a lonely man for a long time, and after meeting a girlfriend, IRA, we also started trying to build a household in my apartment. Psychologically I and I were united, but physically... well, I can’t. I had to break up with her too.
So it turned out that I started dating Olya again, and I told Olya that I lived with another for a while.
Sorry for the details, this is all the preamble, but it is not possible without it.
The fact is that Olya changed, in the evenings began to play on my computer, at first times, and then dumb as an avid gamer, came from work and almost in clothes for the computer. And so until late evening. Who was so addicted to her I couldn’t understand, I asked – like I didn’t live with anyone. And it would be a variety of games, exciting, strategies, shooters, a game of fucking damn gentlemen - Lines, in the balls. And from morning to evening, thousands of balls, emotions, motherhood, knocks on the table. I’m not sorry, but where did that come from?
I decided to try to play, and suddenly interesting, and I have not tried it before. The game is over, the results:
by IRA 9600
by Olya 7800
by Olya 7560
by Olya 7420
by Olya 7200
by Olya 7150
by Olya 7120

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna