— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Working in our office as an assistant girl, immediately after the institute, quite clever and very sharp in the language. Her name is Lena. Picture with oil: Ed decided to change the overburned light bulb over his table... He crashed, he clumped up on the table, but only touched the luster - its dust and filled. It’s a mess, I have to wipe it out!
by Lena-A A scream to the whole office.
Realizing that something terrible has happened, Lena flies out of her office in all pairs, loudly and often cuddling her heels on the laminate. In the doors it freezes and from the summer, seeing under the ceiling Ed with his arms lifted up, he gives:
Soap and rope?
Bring a servette.
You are afraid of the dollar.? to
I had to wait half an hour to replace the light.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna