— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do darkness combined with alcohol give unpredictable results?
YYY : M?
XXX: I returned yesterday after your dough. Winter, frost and snow. I decided to ride a couple of times from the hill that is next to my house.
xxx: I looked at her in the morning on a sober head... some digging, beaten glass, the debris of iron bars. How am I targeted?
XXX: Did I use it?
YYY: The same stuff. Everything just like you. and practically.
YYY: Here is only your gorka standing in place...
YYY: and my from the morning bled me half-apartment and now sleeps out in the neighboring room.
yyy: "Did I use it?"...
XXX: I was driving.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna