— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’ve always wondered where the expression "Yok макарok" came from. I decided to look and here is what I found :)
Yok Makareok! (They are spaces) - voice-idiom, synonymous with the meaning of the expressions "Yelky-Palk!", "Your-Kakasha!", "Iod-Hydrogen!" (see The hydrogen iodine!), "Jopsel-Mopsel", "Clyster-Minister" (see Etymologically, YOM comes from the distorted YOG MAKAREGO, and, of course, we are talking about the famous Ukrainian yogis Sergei Makaroga (among yogis was known as Seroga-Makaroga, 1913-1971), who was famous for his ability not only to walk, but to run on the stomach - he quickly picked up the stomach muscles according to a special secret scheme, and so cleverly that his metrics were significantly superior to the Olympic records, but from participation in the Olympics he was refused by the Sports Committee, as this envisaged the development of special stomach running "cross", and in terms of time it was no time.

As a result, Seroga was forced (in protest) to die at the Semipalatinsk test site during the next test of nuclear weapons, and before his death Sergey Vitalevich managed to carry out a stony harakiri, namely: he ran on his stomach on desert and steppe stony soil, and, as a result, uncovered his stomach like no other, and the nuclear explosion became a long-awaited relief for him.

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