— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ]
by Valery (23:09) :
I have a bad memory. (23:10) :
I’m fine, I can even remember where I saw that or that ionic person a week ago.
Valery (23:11) :
OOOOOOOOOOO! Have you ever seen the ionic man??? O_o huias... and proton dogs have not been seen?)))
Valery (23:11) :
Well, I would also remember where I saw the ionic man. 😉
Valery (23:14) :
Yeshib Yaa met the ionic man, then Yaa would remember and where and when and what the weather was and the leap of milliliters of rainfall from me at that moment stood out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna