— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We work with a company in the building. Snow fell overnight on my knee. We meet in the morning at work, and the friend gives his morning impressions:
On an ordinary December morning, at that early hour, when the awakening and overnight world, still like an old coloured photo, I came out of the entrance and...measured! A couple of seconds of stupor and confusion of my body, of my external – visible, to the strange eye – movements, paradoxically reflected on the inner, hidden outflows of my mentality. Immediately all the power of the male mind, with its analytical capabilities and the power of Aristotle logic, turned on. The terabytes of information read by the brain from the optic nerves and from the distal nerve endings located under the epithelium of the skin of the face and the open areas of the neck - the oceanic tide slid into the subcorpus, causing the synapses to grumble from repeatedly increased tension, and the brain tissue feverishly eat, deposited since yesterday's dinner - glucose. The thought formed, thanks to such a mental rapid force and sounded by voice bonds - flew out of the mouth, a cloud of warm, white - like eaten half an hour ago, manna meat - a pair: "- O-O-U-U-U-UH YOU-Y... BLA-A-A!!and "

I swallowed lightly...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna