— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: My choice for Kawasaki was not dishonesty... Beauty, etc. This all decides, of course, but there are such advantages that have no Suzuki, no Honda, no other motto other than Ducati... it is about the manufacturer itself...
There is such a city - Kawasaki, which makes an exceptional motto, the whole village stumbles =)

Why didn’t you buy Ural? The Urals are protective mountains, stretching almost from the north to the south of our country, close to beautiful cities, there ends Europe and begins Asia. And our country is the largest in the world, there is no other, we have the best president in the world. And in terms of mineral reserves, we generally give all the forums. We also make rockets, space stations, tanks, Kalashnikov machines. What a fucking deal with foreign goods. We are Russians, we drink a lot of vodka, we live in the 200s. Every month, in our villages always curved fences, etc.
Sell our coffee and buy Ural. Don’t be foolish, they’re still making cars. Such a good Ural with such a rich history, the German design of the 30s without refinements entered the 21st century - it is a lot worth it, a rarity at birth.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna