— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dionysus: She must be stubborn and enduring, she must be able to drive my offspring away from the big predators while I am hunting. In the evenings at the fire, she should be able to chew all kinds of parasites out of my wool and throw them into the fire! But not all, some, she should be able to cook for dinner. And most importantly, she must be able to cook food from literally everything. Take the example of hexagon, they have poisonous and radioactive meat, but if you cook it properly it is very delicious... The girl of my dreams runs quickly and gloriously jokes, using cold and firearms. So, no ryucheek and ryucheek, miniature and heels, 5 higher education and artificial lighting, all of this - fpisdu.
The King of Jokes: Judging by the signs your girlfriend is named - Sylvester Stallone))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna