— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I go to the pharmacy in the morning, sleepy like a ulcer, buy naftizine. There the grandmother stood in front of me and while I waited, I thought a little. I stand and think that I would need to go out somewhere tonight, drink a beer, go for a walk... There is a lot of figi any unnecessary... Well, I think, like, if you drink a beer, then a little - a maximum of 0.5.. or a liter?... Or 0.5? It is my turn, I approach the box office and say "Give probably the adult litre of naftizine" ))))) I understand that I am stuck, but the reaction of the pharmacist was interesting. And she smiles and says "Liters are not, but if you have tar with you, then we can shed from small bottles"))) When I went out of the pharmacy and roasted, I thought that everyone would decide that I was thrown there with something fun))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna