— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What the President wanted best...
We have a type office and a sports complex across the road. Good one, with a pool and courts - tennis and badminton. Well, we went all over the office volancher to leave for the lunch break. And the local staff is happy to us - the people at lunch still no one, so we for the price and allowed with gratitude.
And well - and ladies and men, bosses and subordinates with rackets, in pairs and individually. No need to recruit a team, everyone can play - complete convenience and democracy. Then take a shower and go back to work.
But after all, Dmitry Anatolyevich fell asleep playing badminton on the combinations! The enthusiasm died. At first, the people, embarrassed, began to hide the racket in the bags, then to forget, and the chief accountant so and so proclaimed: "As I take the racket in my hands, I immediately think of a party of scammers and thieves. Play without me.” Eventually the enthusiasm died.
Thank you very much, Dmitry Anatolievich. This game has been played with his participation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna