— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the fall from the height of 19.12.11 told the builder to whom there is confidence. They had a brigadier at the building, who had the habit of sitting down and smoking on the shelves on the very edge of the roof. At the same time, he materialized those who worked downright. At the time of history, the building was 4 floors tall.
He sits, smokes and mates. And from the back comes a TV engineer and slightly so (to learn as if) - catch up for the shoulders of the specialty....Well, how did he know that the specialty was just thrown on the shoulders of the brigadier.
The body is flying down, the TV engineer with a speck in his hands falls immediately on the roof to faint, and the body of the brigadier from below is already the motherboard of this joke.
It turns out, he fell on a huge bunch of ceramzite (slip so, slipped).
He remained alive and unhealthy, and an engineer with a heart attack in the hospital.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna