— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ]
Ir 12:20: What are you going to do today?
and appleson. 12:22) :I will go to the store cat a birthday gift to buy
IRA (12:25) :what you think to give
and appleson. 12:27 I do not know. The gel for the soul does not run.
Ira (12:27) :you are a dangerous man, and you buy 2 gels, can run
and appleson. I’ll buy you three gels, and you’re my best friend.
Irah (12:38) :sucka, and I then give you a tiger towel
and appleson. 12:39 And it was surprising. I’m a horse, and I’m a horse with a sign of the zodiac.
12:40 - And I'll give you my socks
and appleson. 12:40: And I will give you soap from Oriflame
IRA (12:41) : a sparkle
and appleson. (12:41) : 2009 year of release
Ira (12:41) :the hand cream in response will get the most odorable
and appleson. (12:42) :"milk and honey"?
IRA (12:42) :Is this the most stinking?
and appleson. 12:42 and yes
Ira (12:42) :to him
and appleson. 12:42) with the patchwork. Well, I can only answer this with a foam cock and shampoo clean line from measles. Chess and Mat
IRA (12:44) : well it is yes
and appleson. 12:44) by EAA

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna