— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Reading "Best", I recently stumbled upon the story of how a conductor took a working guy for a student and he failed to convince her. I remembered a case from my own life.

It was during my early student years. I had a short haircut at the time.
I go in a tram. Suitable for the conductor. I show her travel and student (in the last photo hair is still long).
Conductor, full of self-worth voice and face expression "I am what, fool?":
and yes. This is not your student.
And whose? I was confused by the surprise.
For whom do you hold me? There is a girl in the photo!
And who am I...? I am completely lost with painted eyes.
The driver looks at me, I look at her.
You were healthy! He gives me a ticket and leaves.
Comrades, for whom have they accepted me? O.O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna