— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Do not laugh at your socks. Difficult with them

They have trouble with their socks...what’s wrong with them? A working algorithm:
He threw off all his socks. I went to the store, bought new socks, the same, ordinary, black, without drawings and all kinds of stuff. I bought it fucking. put in a box. A full box of socks. In the morning I took two pieces from there, dressed and walked. I took it off and threw it into the laundry. After a week, I washed everything and put it back into the box. When you see that there are little socks in the box, he went back to the store and bought it again. He slept there. All of it!! to
Some people are lost, some people are broken, everything is broken.
Live and rejoice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna