— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Grandfather told how once in the USSR, in the village, worked as a screenwriter in a club. So, he sent him somewhere for a script contest. And the scripts he wrote on the printing machine, in those times the printing machine was a luxury, everyone wrote by hand, and this luxury he bought somewhere from the colloquium, as written. Only the problem was in that machine, where the letter “o” flew away. Grandfather, not thinking long, began to write a similar, the letter "c" instead of her. At first, he did the letter “c”, but then he used to read his texts as appropriate, without the narrative. So at the contest, everyone submitted their works to the jury, when it came to the grandfather's creation, the jury began to roar loudly. Then they called the author with the question – “We think you have a mistake in the title of the script.” Grandfather quickly re-read – “No, everything is correctly written – “Yes, the man in the field.”

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