— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The milk...
Going for a new job. So it turns out that my boss is a girl somewhere my age. Only the day I went to work, she went on vacation.
In short, the situation is this: everyone is trying to marry me off-site with her))) type she has a car, and an apartment... on the job she has a lot of experience, will tell and show...
One of my colleagues was talking to her on the phone. I heard from the edge of my ear that she was interested in how there was a new employee (i.e. I am.
Fuck, I’m already beginning to fear the day she’ll go to work. Interesting and scary...

Write how it will end...
The country is really looking forward to continuing...
Well, you’re writing like interesting, so sign up, let’s add.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna