— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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xxx: I'm going to tax :) hold my fingers for me, on this issue I'm going there for the fourth or fifth time *CRAZY* :-D
xxx:... and again it turned out that "a copy of this paper is needed! How do you know? I couldn’t guess it myself?" ]:-> *WALL* I couldn’t stand and grabbed my head! What, I say, are you mocking? I’m here for the fourth time, and every time you say ‘this is not enough’! Why couldn’t you say everything at once or hang a list of necessary documents on the wall? I seemed ashamed of him, taking the docks.
I’t be able to go here again!!! to
xxx: And the most interesting thing for me is that one of the documents, for the absence of which I was deployed for the first time, was not needed, it was returned to me!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna