— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How did you get with your "wits" about football and "victory" of Russia... And I absolutely get rid of it! Because this fermented patriotism, this joy for the victory of the country in an absolutely none-needed foolish game with the ball are intended only to divert your attention from the real problems that in the country are only bore, not solved! Not going to the clinic, turn. And you get - doctors joke, you will recover or not, they are not going to worry about such salaries for you. At the stop came - 40 minutes stand, fuck, wait. Is it cool in summer, and in the frost? Corruption EVERYWHERE, even in kindergartens - you can put a child there even after 2 years of waiting, without giving money to the director's foot.
And you, fucking, are proud of this country, because its national team hunted the ball better than the Czechs?! Yes, I would have moved to the Czech Republic this moment to live, if possible, because there is a level of life! Even if their team lost forever.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna