— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I, a healthy cock-130kg at a height of 183cm, after selling my MB I ride my wife's car (gets), and now the story: I prayed early in the morning for business, came for my wife, and she took lunch for me from home. I took her to the jeu, alone, I think I'll wait for her, while I wait for her, I sat back, I'm sitting, I'm not touching anyone... the front windows are open... some type passed by, I saw a car without a driver, I looked around and approached. I have from anticipation up the breath of the spire))) he will pay for the belt in the window, I catch him for the shelf and ask: that cat, fuck wanted to? I go out and fuck it!! I think he would build the 9th floor alone)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna