— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work as an electrician.
He breaks to us in the workshop of the agent... followed by him, three large boxes are introduced, saying we need to collect, goes... we look into the boxes of wires, boxes and all the not very well-known hares for us and only by the names of the companies of manufacturers we understand that we were caught up with the odins! Not long thinking we open the closet with stocks of old PCs, from which we were going to collect a game car! And here inspiration as from a cage...wrapped three hards on the outer part of the system, suited under the system mother - Bulgarian, killed with a hammer saw the dog express in the agp sudot, added modern through a module of flood launching light bulbs stitched on the front panel of the lamp in 500 watts and painted a marker in green and red, the button of the door - the sovedepovsky packager and took to the cabinet... in the evening under the shops listened to the neck of the slugs, and those at one time acute eyes look at the little monster who occasionally blinds the lamps in front of the dream panel...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna