— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ]
XXX: I thought
I am really weird sometimes.
At work my days are considered drug addicts.
XXX: This is the case.
xxx: They ruined that I didn’t give them "active rest"
XX: Under what they understood buchlo and semi-dances
XXX: So I built them in the chord after lunch.
xxx: and we drove around the pavement, singing songs with disorderly voices
And then, when we suddenly broke the car.
xxx: I built them in a column of 1
XXX: Put your hands in front of the struggling
XXX: and half dancing barley on the side - again under the music
XXX: It was all with a tail in my hand.
XXX: But no one argued with me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna