— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dayver: morning, secretary: "AAAAAAAAAAAAA Dima!!! We are all over!! The ATS does not work!! Someone calls us and we only hear the whispers and that’s all!!! No contact anymore!and "
Ser1aL: included in the router?
Dayver: I am going. I see. A real call. I raise the phone. Three bits in a tonal set. and interruption of communication. I call from my mobile. Everything works. The call passes. There is hearing.
Dayver: I am saying. This is not our problem. Problems with the caller.
Dayver: to me in response: "NEEETT!! We have already had it!! Katya who worked before you did something and everything went well!!and "
Dayver: I breathe... I call Kate... she says secretaries are people like that... they have a problem and it needs to be solved. Even if the problem is not on our side. enter the ATSKY closet, connect to it with a notepad. Play the sapphire a couple of times and turn off.
Ser1aL: *LOL*
Dayver: Did as she suggested. Secretary : here! Now it all works!! We have spoken too!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna