— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This case was in the winter of 1970, during my service in the SSVG (for those who do not know the Group of Soviet troops in Germany).I was at that time a soldier of the first year of service in the reconnaissance and watershed squadron, well, and since our squadron was also a squadron of regulators, we had to participate periodically in various adjustments.Now imagine winter, snow, frosts under 10-15 degrees.Now for this time the division exercises were underway.And we are ensuring the regulation of the flow of movement.I was landed on an unprotected railway crossing in some German country, today.I am standing with myself.There are no our machines, columns.How it turned out, later I learned that in the division headquarters something was broken and a Looking to me a man of 30 years probably, gives me a sandwich with hot sausages and a little cognac,for heating means.Explains to me in German that he also once served in the army of Heydar (so formerly called East Germany-GDR) tankist.In general, I thanked him,and soon and our battalion chief of staff on the beans picked me up.We go further along the route,we come to the intersection on which there should be Mishka,other regulator.And there is no one.Then we look near the intersection of the farm.I was sent there to look for Mishka.I go to the farm,sitting at the table of the German and Mishka, which is called a little warm.So the world is not without good people, gave the Soviet 2 soldiers to freeze, he made

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna