— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had to change the lamp at work. Like a regular house in the shape of pears, only big. by 500W. Or another room on the street. The sun is bright. And the lamp has no perfect shape (and why does it?And the light, passing through it on the ground near the shadow of the lamp, draws on the ground such a plasma sword. It is as if the two sides are divided. You turn the lamp - and the drawing also changes as a three-dimensional. He has already entered the image. The sword began to sound. and up. Monsters and alien assholes are flying apart. Big Boss asks me:
Dmitry, how old are you?
by Valery Petrovich? The 28...
And your son?
Two years...
You can give him a burnt lamp. And go and replace it until you break the ashes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna