— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Here is the question to you. I planned to order a model turboprop engine with a traction of 8 kilograms. It costs $1580. 50 motorcycle hours. What would I choose – to spend that money on the engine, the planner, the equipment and the servo drives (2.5k total) to provide myself with 50 hours of joy, or to drop those dollars on other things, providing yourself with everything you need, including even those same 50 hours of joy?)

Tagged: prostitutes

Whenever you are faced with a difficult choice, choose a prostitute.

Do you cook dinner or go to a restaurant? Is it too hard for you to decide what to choose? Then the right choice is to remove the prostitute!


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna