— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History of Yesterday:
I come home at 4 o’clock in the morning, quietly broke up, lay down in bed. here minutes after 15 wakes up daddy, goes to the kitchen takes the phone and calls me...
Aristotle: The
Stranger: I think I’ll kiss him :)
I take a phone:
Dad:"You are going to go home?"
I:"no rest, I am here with my friends still rest, I will be in the morning".
I throw the phone :)
I hear from the kitchen, I quote:"Gall, doesn’t he ohuel?I’m going to fuck him up tomorrow, fuck him up tomorrow, fuck him up tomorrow!!", and enters my room, turns on the light,"Oh! are home...and I thought you...(there’s a long pause sec 5)In general, don’t listen to Dad, he’s in a state of affection...good night",and he’s gone.
It is called...
Aristotle: The...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna