— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yes, especially this rule works when after an airplane landing everyone is told to sit down, and the people get up!

Not so long ago, my friend on the wheel to the perron, after listening to the stura’s futile requests to stay stuck until the engines completely stopped, did the following:
The 2nd pilot said – this behavior is indestructible, sympathizing with the steam... it is useless to fight.

My friend said – why?
If a car or a car crashes in front of us, what will we do?
2 to stop.
Commander, this is how we brake!

Three minutes later, when all the Kegles got up, rubbing their knots and bluffs, the crew apologized to the passengers for the emergency on the steering wheel.
I think I’ve learned for a lifetime! :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna