— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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>> I wonder who’s this guy, if the girl is able to fall asleep at THIS time?? to

Strangely enough, but there is a possibility that nothing :) I, for myself, discovered the amazing world of sex quite late, but with enthusiasm, having re-read and tried everything that was tried and read. After 4 years, I was absolutely sure I knew everything about the female body and sex. Until I met Lenny. It was a creation of stunning beauty at the age of 22, desperately looking for a couple, but, the result was zero, because she had enough to take off her clothes and lie down with the guy in an embrace to cut off immediately and for a long time. For me, it was a powerful blow to self-love, and then I decided to do it anyway! What we just did not try: coffee, energy, long preliminary sleep, pathogens, games, various techniques - sleep and everything here. She was taken to a sexologist, he was surprised for a long time, but found the root of the problem - Lenochka had serious raids with the male half of mankind, starting with his brother and father. And she wanted, subconsciously, protection and support, in the end, as soon as she was in bed with a guy, the brain gave the command to relax, concluding that everything went wrong and the body does not need to defend itself, that it is protected and you can sleep peacefully. By the word of Lenocke, the psychologist helped :) We all worked out in the end and she is right now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna