— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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old ashtray: And I and the usual Witnesses of the Wowa love it very much. It is very funny. The most criminal district of Kiev, something like South Butovo, predictably comes out on the doorbell a grown-up man in cowards and with a crack. When asked what you know about the Bible, the man suddenly wondered what exactly the two sectarians mean.
To the surprise of the sectarian women, the man, sprinkling a weekly scarf, tells about the Vulgate, the Bible of James, the First Council of Nicea and the most fascinating episode about broken spies about the "omosus-omyosus".
And even going to implement their business plan by inviting the house to provide humanitarian aid directly into the brain.
But here from the kitchen it is "If someone now pulls the ugliness into the house, then the stove will not get".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna