— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk about hunting.

Meaning so

I bought a bacon.

He went up to the floor. decided to turn. Kira bulvan did not hold the beer and it went down. At first we thought it fell on a cradle. He went down to the second, there, and eventually he jumped from the third. There was no beer there. I just went looking for him on the street. When it was there (it broke out), the resulting height of the cushion was 4 meters, the hell you go back), they began to look with him how to get him down from there. We found a tree on the side, a branch grew from it. By all calculations, she had to endure it. I stood down and insured him.) So he sprinkled like a gamadryl on a branch, she crashed. I’ll never forget his climbing my ass on a pack. He fell right on me, I was bent through the fence (like a bridge stood up) and then shot back.) Then turned off somewhere for half a minute (the stars gathered) when I woke up feeling the whole body breaks, I lie on a quilt, and he doesn't move, but it rges)))). Well, and then we got up and went for another beer, and then we found that he had a hole in his bowl))))

I now have the feeling that the catch has turned on me.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna