— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why did you be called to the boss?
Tagged with: Rufus
XHH: for what?
Wauu: for not placing my car on the corporate parking lot and refusing to clean up with a scandal
XH: I understand
WOW: What do you understand?
Ohhhh... stop! What car? Do you have a car?
WOW: there is
XHH: How, from where?
from the camel :)
XHH: What is it?
Same with Sikkie)
No to P!
Wow, that’s all, I don’t have a niche. Just a guard idiot or a parking driver, I don’t know who he is.
Oh yeah yes! What was? and :)
WOW: I came back from lunch through the parking lot, on the meeting Sikwoya goes to me, parking. Well I let her get around, and on the other side of me a man (guard) runs, we talked.
He: Where are you?
I: to work
He: Where are you working?
(I showed him the building)
Here is where you park.
(I thought there was something wrong.)
(He ticked his finger in the sikwa): Clean up
Funny, but why a scandal?
I said I won’t clean it. and :)
HH: Here is the guy. Where was the real driver?
WOW: I didn’t know how, but it seemed to have dissolved in the air. It was funny afterwards. I don’t know who he to, but two of the chickens came to our director to disassemble. They cried at him, and he stood like a guilty boy and kept silent. I did not expect from him, I had to break the legend and say what a car.
Q: What was their reaction?
A hysterical laugh. This is their boss’s car.
Oh yeah, you are stupid! :D
WOW: well

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